Eliminate Fried Chicken Stains From Carpets

Have you ever tried removing fried chicken breast stains from your carpet? It is insanely difficult. This is just when you don't understand what to do and how to do it. While fried chicken is incredibly yummy, it is certainly not one of the healthiest food choices you could make. This is even more evident when it starts bothering your carpet's health too.

Removing fried food stains and particularly those of fried chicken breast from your carpets is the job of any professional carpet cleaning in NYC. But there are a few actions that you can follow too in case you avoid have you a chance to wait for them to arrive. I say particularly difficult in situation of chicken because it already has a lot of natural oil in it so when we fry its pieces in more oil, it becomes even more of a devastating spill. Well, to begin with it, even your professional carpet cleaning company in NYC would never stroke or wipe the spot that just happened on the carpet because that only pushes the spill deeper into its fibres. What they would suggest is to gently lift up any solid or partially solids or gravy or matter with a dull knife or spoon. And then follow the below pointed out steps to reduce the stains effectively:


1. Sprinkle the fried chicken stain with cornstarch. You can also use baking soda or your chosen talcum powder. This will absorb the oil.

2. Have a soft bristle brush and then gradually work the powder into your carpet for at least quarter-hour. Then you can vacuum the carpet to remove the natural powder.

3. Now blot the stained area with a dry cleaning solvent (always use a clean white cloth for the purpose)

4. In case you don't have a dry solvent, mix one tea spoon of dish wash soap in 2 cups of water. Then add a tablespoon of household hydrogen. Blot the stained area of the carpet with a sponge dipped in the mixture and terry dry.

For more detail visit here :-
Carpet Cleaning NYC
829 Park Ave, New York, NY 10021
(917) 831-4478


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